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Workflow Use Case - Combined Assignment and Approval

The Combined Assignment and Approval workflow use case utilizes two different workflows in combination. The Assignment Workflow to allocate work and the Approval Workflow to manage the work once it has been assigned.

For this use case you will need to set up two different workflows.

Assign Work Workflow

Assign Work Workflow

Approval Workflow

Approval Workflow

Once the Assign Work Workflow is set up, the assignment channel can be created and managed by the person responsible for work assignments.

Assign Workflow News Feed

In this use case, a work queue channel is created that uses the Assign Work Workflow as a filter in the channel definition, but then also uses the Approval Workflow as part of the Channel Definition to assign the workflow to the work channel.

Work Queue Channel Definition

The team member working in the assigned work channel will only see the approval workflow, rather than the assignment workflow.

Work Queue Channel

The team member can mark an article for approval by switching the workflow state from Open to For Approval.

Work Queue Channel for Approval

The assigned Approver will then see the articles waiting for approval by looking at the Approver Channel which will be defined as follows:

Approver Channel

and results in a news feed that looks like this:

Approver Channel Feed

The Approver can then approve or return a specific article using the workflow

In this use case, an article that needs to be returned for re-assignment will be marked with Returned. The assignment team will have a Returned Channel using the Returned workflow state as the primary filter in the channel and having the assignment workflow assigned to the channel.

Returned Channel Definition

Which results in a channel that looks like this:

Returned Channel

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Last update: October 5, 2021
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