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Workflow Use Case - Approval

The Approval Workflow use case is designed to manage a series of documents that need to be reviewed, analyzed and then submitted for approval. As part of the flow, the approver must be able to return a document back to the analyst if it cannot be approved.

Start by creating an approval workflow similar to this one.

Approval Workflow

Once the Approval Workflow is created, assign it to the channel that contains the documents to be researched and approved.

Assign Approval to Channel

Now that the workflow is assigned to the channel, you can manage the documents through the approval process.

Approval Workflow Use

The Approver will have a specific channel definition that can then be used to manage approvals.

Workflow Approver Channel Definition

The Approver will see:

Workflow Approver Channel

They can then set the workflow state to either return the document to the analyst or approve it.

Workflow Channel Approver Workflow

If the document is set to Returned it will show up in the original analyst's channel.

Workflow Approver Returned

Note that in the original workflow definition set the color for Returned to red so that it will stand out in the channel.

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Last update: October 5, 2021
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