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Sideloading FTS Apollo™ in Microsoft Teams

While FinTech Studios is going through the approval process to make FTS Apollo™ available through the Microsoft Teams store, the app is only available to Teams tenants that have the application sideloaded. To do so, you must have the necessary permissions to load custom applications to your organization or be a Teams administrator.

First, you need the Apollo app-manifest, which will be a ZIP file containing a manifest.json and supporting files. Contact us at [email protected] to get the latest app manifest.


The app manifest is tied to a single version of the application, and will need to be updated manually as new versions are released. See Updating a Custom Application for steps to update.

With the manifest ZIP in-hand, visit the Microsoft Teams admin center > Teams apps > Manage apps. There, click the "+ Upload" button. A dialog will open like shown below - click the "Upload" button in that dialog and open the application manifest ZIP.

Upload custom app

After a short time, you will see a "New app added" dialog. You can click the link in the dialog to navigate to the app to manage its access, and the app should now show up in the "Manage apps" page from earlier when you search for "Apollo".

New app added

For more information, visit the Manage your apps in the Microsoft Teams admin center page in the Microsoft Teams Docs. Specifically, review the Publish a custom app by uploading an app package section.

Updating a Custom Application

As FTS Apollo™ is updated, there will be times when the Teams application manifest must also be updated. You will be contacted by FinTech Studios when this occurs, and should receive an updated app manifest ZIP file.

To update the application in your tenant, visit the Microsoft Teams admin center > Teams apps > Manage apps. Search for "Apollo", and click the application name to navigate to the management page for this particular app.

From here, you should see an "Update" button in the application card. Clicking this will open an "Update app" dialog similar to the below. Choose "Select a file" and open the updated application manifest ZIP.

Update custom app

After a short time, you should be presented with a dialog confirming the update. The update may take some time to propagate to the users that have already installed the app, so please be patient.

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Last update: February 16, 2022
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