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Boolean Logic

Boolean Logic consists of evaluating AND and OR operators for TRUE or FALSE results. This is used when applying Filters to a News Feed and, more extensively, in setting up a Channel. It follows three basic rules:

  • Any number of values using an OR operator will evaluate to TRUE if any of the values evaluate to TRUE.
  • Any number of values using an AND operator will evaluate to TRUE if all of the values evaluate to TRUE.
  • A NOT operator will reverse the results of the evaluation of the value entered and return the value of TRUE if the evaluation returned FALSE and return the value of FALSE if the evaluation returned TRUE.

Thus, in FTS Apollo™, if a Channel (or Filter) is set up to look for Apple Inc. OR Microsoft Inc., then any article tagged with Apple or Microsoft will evaluate to TRUE and result in a News Feed consisting of article that are tagged with Apple Inc. OR Microsoft Inc.

Alternatively, if the Channel (or Filter) is set up to look for Apple Inc. AND Microsoft Inc., then any article tagged with Apple AND Microsoft will evaluate to TRUE for the article, and the filter will return only those articles. If either company is not tagged, it will not be part of the results.

The AND and OR operators can be used in sequence when creating a Channel to create groups that are evaluated together and can result in very complex filters being applied for that Channel. As an example, the filter set as (Apple OR Microsoft) AND (Google) will evaluate TRUE when an article is tagged for either Apple or Microsoft AND tagged with Google.

Adding in the NOT evaluator allows you to exclude based on the entered criteria so the same complex filter can be changed into (Apple OR Microsoft) AND (Google) AND NOT (IBM). This will return results that are tagged with either Apple or Microsoft AND Google, but will exclude any of those articles that are tagged with IBM as well.

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Last update: November 22, 2021
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