PowerIntell.AI Walkthrough
PowerIntell.AI™ provides Global Business Intelligence using our vast reservoir of 2 billion articles, advanced tagging and filtering and Artificial Intelligence to bring the precise set of stories from which business intelligence is generated along with the precise citations for the articles used. In addition, powerful filtering techniques can be used to navigate to the specific set of articles desired.
Introduction Video
Finding the correct articles is where you start in PowerIntell.AI™. Using the search bar, you can look up any of the millions of topics, people, companies, government agencies. etc.
The search bar is used to find and set your context. Type anything in the search bar and the available results will be displayed underneath the search bar in the search look ahead box.
The search look ahead allows you to either completely replace the current dashboard context or to add another element.
- Replace current Context
- Add to current Context
Context Bar
Context Bar Video
You can always see the current context by looking at the top of the dashboard.
The context area at the top of the dashboard shows you the current context for the articles being displayed. In addition the context area has other controls for determining which articles are shown.
Icon | Description | Explanation |
Language Settings | Select one or more languages to be displayed | |
Date Selection | Select a relative or explicit date range |
In the example above, the current context is for Apple, Inc, the company. The most likely manipulation of the context area is to add, replace, or manage the specific context elements listed.
Add to Context
Click on the icon to open up the context search bar.
As you type, the available companies, topics, etc. will be displayed starting with the best match to your input. If you want to add Artificial Intelligence, start typing it into the search bar.
Once you see the entity you want to use, click on it and it will be added into the context.
The results will be propagated across the dashboard, including in the article list, the AI Explainer and AI Assistant along with the analytics tabs.
Change Context Items
The entities listed in the context bar, in this case Apple, Inc, and Artificial Intelligence can be managed by clicking on the name directly. This will open up a menu for you to make a change.
Once you click, you can then exclude from context which will set the filter to exclude any article that matches the entity, remove from context which will take the entity out of the context completely, set relevance which will allow you to change the relevance setting for the entity in the filter or pin to context which will keep the entity in the context bar unless explicitly removed by you.
Language Setting
The default language setting will display articles in every available language. PowerIntell captures all of the articles in their original language. Within the application, you can translate articles as part of the news feed. Using the context bar, you can decide which languages to show. Click on the icon to open up the languages menu.
Click on the checkbox next to the language or languages you would like to include.
Calendar Setting
The default time frame for the PowerIntell.AI™ is set to show the last 24 hours of articles. You can adjust the time frame by clicking on the icon.
You can either select on of the relative time frames in the menu or click on an explicit start date and an explicit end date to reset the dashboard time frame. The new from and too date will show in the context bar once you have selected the range.
Dashboard Sections
The PowerIntell.AI™ dashboard has three major sections that can be used to navigate, view articles and analytics, and/or to view the AI generated explanations and output.
Navigation Section
On the left side of the page is the navigation widget.
This widget helps you manage the context for the dashboard as a whole. It is not meant to be a search widget (that is what the search bar is for), but it will allow you to quickly refine what you have already set in your context, or switch using pre-defined ways to set context.
Their are four tabs available for navigation in the the navigation widget. You can get access to all of them by clicking on the icon in the widget frame.
You can click on the tab you would like to use to switch the widget to that navigation tab.
Also, as with all the widgets, you can expand them to take up the full screen on the dashboard by clicking on in the upper right corner of the widget to see all the tabs available.
Each tab allows you to manage the context in different ways.
Introduction to Filters Video
The Filters tab will show you the current set of entities that are contained in the articles displayed in the middle panel giving you a quick analytic on how the articles are tagged that are being displayed. You can use the Filters tab to see those entities, but more importantly, to quickly filter your output to just the articles you are interested in seeing. The list you initially see in the tab are the entity types that have been found.
Click on one of the entity types to open up the actual list of entities found. In this case, click on companies to see the company list. This list will be in the order of most often found to the least often found companies.
From this list, you can select the company or companies you would like to focus on.
As soon as you click on one of the entities in the Filters Tab, PowerIntell will update to show the new set of available entities. As you keep clicking that list will get shorter and shorter as you will be setting your context more specifically using the entities in the Filters Tab
In this case, Apple, Inc. was selected and added to the context bar at the top of the dashboard. The list of Companies, and the other entity types, will be updated based on the updated context.
You can then select another company, or other entity type to further refine your dashboard context.
As you make your selections in the Filters Tab, the selections will be added to your context bar.
IntelliBriefs are curated newsletters that you can sign up for. In addition, the articles used in each IntelliBrief are available to use as pre-set filters. Click on IntelliBriefs to view the available list of pre-set filters.
Select the IntelliBrief you would like to use as a filter to replace the current dashboard context. If you want to add the IntelliBrief to the context instead of replacing it, click on the icon next to the name of the IntelliBrief.
The two choices are Add to Context and Replace Context, which is the default if you just click on the name directly. Click on Add to Context if you want to add the filter to the context and retain what is current set in the dashboard context
- Some of the IntelliBriefs use topics that don't have a lot of activity, so you may want to open up the date range using the icon to change the date range for the dashboard.
- You can sign up for one or more daily IntelliBrief newsletters here: IntelliBrief Sign Up
Index List
The third tab in the Navigation Section gives you access to specific Market Index pre-set filters. Click on the Index List tab to display the currently available Market Index pre-set filters.
You can click on the index name to replace the context with the selected Index List. As with the IntelliBriefs tab you can also click on the icon to select the Add to Context menu item to add the Index List to the current dashboard context.
The Index List pre-set filters are very useful if you want to look up a financial topic, such as Earnings News or Product Announcements using the Index as a background filter. Once you select the list, search for a topic related to the companies contained in the list.
The final tab in the Navigation Section is the Trending tab. This tab will display the entities that have trended during the current context time frame for the dashboard. Select the Trending tab in the Navigation Section.
You can move through the different entity types using the and icons at the top of the list. You can page through the specific entities using the NEXT and PREV at the bottom of the list.
Click on an item to replace the current dashboard context or use the context menu selection to Add to Context.
Trending entities are determined based on the current volume of articles vs. the expected volume of articles for that entity.
Source and Analytics Section
Introduction to Analytics Video
The center section is use to display the articles used as sources for the Artificial Intelligence Section along with analytics associated with the current set of articles.
The Sources tab shows you the current set of articles that are being returned based on the current dashboard context, which are also the articles used by the AI tabs in the Artificial Intelligence section of the dashboard. This is the default tab when the dashboard loads.
Starting at the top of the tab, there are controls that you can use to change the way the content is presented.
Sort Order
Starting in the top left corner, you can change the order of the articles by clicking on the Sort menu.
From the menu, you can set the sort order to Trending or Timeliness. The order of the articles will be set to reflect the choice.
- Trending will sort the articles based on the number of different sources have published the same article. It is a measure of how important publishers think the article is. It is very useful when you have a large number of articles to review as this sort will move the most published ones during the dashboard time frame to the top of the sort.
- Timeliness will sort the articles with the most recently published article at the top of the sort.
You can see what the sort order is based on the icon in the tab navigation section.
Each article included in the Sources tab contains a significant amount of information contained in the article card
The next menu available is the Views menu.
From the menu, you can set the view to Grid or List. The articles will be shown based on the view chosen.
- Grid will set the view to show multiple articles in a grid pattern using the grid article card.
- List will show the articles in a list view using the list article card
When articles appear in the Sources Tab are in non-English languages, the :media-translate: button will appear in the navigation section of the tab. You can translate articles by clicking on the button at the top of the tab. When you do, all of the non-English articles will translate automatically into English.
Article Cards
The articles associated with your context are displayed as article cards.
The card includes the article headline, a short summary, the highly relevant entities that were tagged to the article and the publisher of the article.
If you want to read the full article, click on the Headline at the top of the card. This will open up a new tab in your browser and take you to the article on the website of the publisher. In addition, the entities shown in the article card can be used to change your context. Just click on the entity name and you will be given a menu of options for that entity.
The next tab in the section is the Mentions Tab which is the first analytic.
When you click on the tab, you will be shown the analysis of the entity mentions contained in the articles associated with the current dashboard context. The Mentions Tab has specific navigation within it to help you navigate through the analysis.
You can move through the different entity types using the and icons at the top of the list. You can page through the specific entities using the NEXT and PREV at the bottom of the list.
You can also click on the name of the entity to add it into the context bar.
Media Coverage
Clicking on the Media Coverage Tab will show you a graph of the number of articles over time. The time frame used is the dashboard time frame.
Hovering over the Media Coverage graph will show you the specific number of articles by language for that point in time.
If you click on one of the dots on the graph, it will reset the time frame for the dashboard to the date from the graph. You can also remove a language from the graph by clicking on that language in the sidebar.
In this example, I clicked on English to allow me to see the other languages that have been captured.
Word Cloud
When you select the Word Cloud Tab, you will be shown a word cloud taken from the articles being shown.
The size of the word and its proximity to the center of the cloud are based on the frequency of that word occurring. You can add a word to the dashboard context by clicking on the word.
Artificial Intelligence Section
The Artificial Intelligence section is located on the right side of the dashboard.
This section contains the AI Explainer and the AI Assistant tabs.
AI Explainer
AI Explainer Video
The AI Explainer Tab is the default selection on PowerIntell.AI™.
This tab will use the articles returned based on your current dashboard context and automatically create a summary using the information from the articles. I find it much easier to work with if I expand that section using the icon in the upper right corner of the section.
Once you expand it, the summary is much easier to read and you can work with it more effectively.
The AI Explainer will automatically generate a summary for you every time you change the context of the PowerIntell.AI dashboard, giving you a simplified version of the content available in the articles. As part of the summary, the original sources will be attributed and made available to you as links.
If you want to read the story, click on the link for the attribution and you will be taken to the original page containing the article used in the summary.
You can copy the summary, including the formatting, by clicking on the :fluentui-ic_fluent_share-24-filled: icon underneath the summary.
Once you click on the icon, you can then create an email and paste the summary, or go to any other program, such as Word, and paste the summary into it.
One of the features of using PowerIntell.AI is that you can also customize the summary that is generated by clicking on Configure.
This will bring up a configuration page for the explainer.
At the top of the configuration is the model selection. Click on the icon next to the model information.
The two currently available models are OpenAI GPT-4o and OpenAI GPT-4o mini. Select the desired model for you configuration settings.
Number of Articles
The next available configuration setting is the Number of Articles to use in the summary.
AI Explainer Configuration - Number of Articles
The current default is 10. You can change that number directly or click on the add/subtract control to the right of the number of articles.
All AI Models have a limit to how much input they can take. The number of articles directly affects the amount of input. If you change the number to one that is too high, you will get an error message in the results. Go back to your configuration and lower the number of articles used if that happens.
The next configuration option is the sort order. Click on the icon to open up the sort menu.
This option will allow you to change which articles are used in the summary. The two sort options are most recent or highest trending. Select the desired sort option for the explainer.
The last option is the template to be used for the prompt being submitted to the model. Click on the icon to open up the list of templates available.
The first item on the menu is Prompt. This selection allows you to write your own prompt to be submitted to the model. If you choose this option, the prompt box will open for you to type in your own prompt. The rest of the items on the list are curated prompts for you to use. Select the template desired for the explainer.
Once you have made your configuration changes, click on the SAVE button on the bottom of the page to save your choices for the duration of your current PowerIntell.AI session.
In order to return the Artificial Intelligence section to the PowerIntell.AI dashboard, click on the in the upper right corner.
AI Assistant
AI Assistant Video
The AI Assistant Tab is used when you want to ask specific questions about the articles in context.
As with the AI Explainer Tab, the AI Assistant is easier to use when it is expanded to a full page view. To do this, click on the icon in the upper right corner of the section.
Once you click on the icon, the section will expand to take up the full screen.
The AI Assistant is used to ask questions directly to the AI Model and receive answers. It is meant to be a conversational capability where you can ask a question, format a newsletter, pull information out of the articles, or just get a simple summary of the information. The tab consists of four main sections, the configuration section where you can configure which model to use, select articles, etc., the Suggestions Section where the model will give you suggested questions that you might want to ask, the Templates Section where you can select a curated prompt to use, and the Conversation Section where you can ask any question directly.
Configuration Section
The configuration section is used to pick a model, adjust which articles will be used for the generative summary, and to manage other aspects of the assistant.
The current model being used is in the upper left corner of the tab. If you would like to change it, click on the icon icon next to the name of the current model.
Current models available are OpenAI GPT-4o and OpenAI GPT-4o mini. Select the model you prefer from the menu list shown.
Below the model name is the explanation for what is being submitted to the model to be summarized.
You can change the settings for the articles by clicking on the icon to the right of the explanation.
- Change the number of articles used by changing the number in the Number of Articles box.
- Change the sort order for the articles by clicking on the icon in the Sorted by box.
- Change the Search type in the Pro Search checkbox
- Select specific articles to be used by selecting or de-selecting the articles in the article list.
- Unselecting the All Articles checkbox will unselect all of the individual articles as well. If you only want to work with one or two articles, unselect All Articles and select the article or articles desired.
- Note that the suggestions are based on the full set of articles. If you unselect an article that generated the suggestions, clicking on the suggestion will give you no summary as the model will not receive the information from the article you unselected.
Suggestions Section
Whenever you change the PowerIntell.AI dashboard context, the top articles returned will be analyzed and suggested prompts will be generated based on the content of those articles.
The suggestions are each a dynamically generated prompt that you can use directly. If you see a question that you want to ask, just click on it and the assistant will ask the question to get you the answer.
You can navigate through the list of suggestions using the :material-chevron-left and icons in the lower right corner of the suggestions section.
Templates Section
The Templates Section is where you can find and use curated prompts to quickly get a formatted answer to your questions.
These curated prompts range from simple article summaries to newsletter formats to full briefings using the articles selected. Click on the Templates tab to display the list.
Once you have the list, you can move through it using the :material-chevron-left and icons. Select the desired template to use it as a prompt.
Conversation Section
The Conversation Section is where you type in your own question.
You can type a simple question like "What is happening with Apple today?" or a longer request like "Write a newsletter using the articles you are given. The newsletter will be about Generative AI. Summarize the articles in two to three-paragraphs and format the names of any companies or products as bold using markdown format as follows, **Company Name**
When you have completed your prompt, click on the icon that is on the right side of the input box to start your conversation.
AI Assistant Output
Once you click on a suggestion, a template or send your custom prompt, you will be taken to the conversation page of the tab.
From this page you can copy the summary by clicking on the :fluentui-ic_fluent_share-24-filled: icon underneath the summary.
Using the copy icon will retain the formatting from the summary and you can then past it into whatever other program you want to use.
In order to ask a new question, click on the NEW CONVERSATION button on the bottom of the page.
In order to return the Artificial Intelligence section to the PowerIntell.AI dashboard, click on the in the upper right corner.
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