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PowerIntell.AI™ Email 2

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Thank you again for registering for PowerIntell.AI.

PowerIntell.AI hybrid vertical search technology incorporates structured search, semantic text search as well as metadata filtering all in a single query, to retrieve and rank the most relevant search results.

From previous emails, we outlined the basic capabilities of PowerIntell.AI, using SEARCH, FILTERS, MARKET INTELLIGENCE and AI EXPLAINER. If you missed that mail, there is a copy located at PowerIntell.AI™ Email 1.

Today we would like to delve deeper in to ways PowerIntell.AI can help you surface intelligence around those companies, topics, industries, people, etc. that interest you.


Because PowerIntell.AI uniquely organizes content by company, person, topics, industry, country, etc., you can always search to find that content, but we have also organized pre-defined channels called IntelliBriefs. Selecting IntelliBriefs from the left panel dropdown you can view specific topics that may interest you.


Selecting the AI Funding IntelliBrief will present content relevant to that topic (including companies, funding rounds, investors, etc.).

IntelliBrief Filters
​​​​​​ Once the AI Funding IntelliBrief is selected, the content shown will include articles relevant to those topics and the AI Explainer in the right panel will automatically summarize the top 10 trending articles from the chosen time period.

IntelliBrief Context

You can always toggle to the AI Assistant in the right panel to pick from other suggest AI prompts or draft your own to interact with the content.

IntelliBrief - Assistant

In summary, PowerIntell.AI being a hybrid vertical search technology allows you to target topics of interest through SEARCH or pre-defined suggested IntelliBriefs to surface intelligence controlled by you. You define the topics, the date ranges, sources, companies, people and more to get exactly what you are looking for.

We will send you a series of emails providing quick tips to enhance your understanding of how PowerIntell.AI can streamline tracking the information that matters to you.

Thank you again for trying PowerIntell.AI.

PowerIntell.AI Apollo Pro® RegLens®

Last update: August 27, 2024
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