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PowerIntell.AI hybrid vertical search technology incorporates structured search, semantic text search as well as metadata filtering all in a single query, to retrieve and rank the most relevant search results. The app revolutionizes the way business professionals and knowledge workers search and interact with information on the Internet. Users can intelligently search and discover critical knowledge, trends and insights in real-time and generate accurate, intelligent answers. PowerIntell.AI provides full source citations for built-in auditability so users can easily check the original sources for context and validation.

PowerIntell.AI solve the issues of both timeliness and 'hallucinations' with LLMs by delivering real-time, attributable, fact-based insights, generating accurate source citations and fact attribution, and leveraging contextually enhanced data, combined with Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) technology. PowerIntell.AI leverages OpenAI GPT-4o and will integrate additional leading LLMs later this year, including Amazon, Anthropic, Google, Meta, and Microsoft.

PowerIntell Screen


PowerIntell Walkthrough

On-Boarding Emails


IntelliBriefs are pre-configured newsletters about specifically curated topics. They range from legal/regulatory topics, daily market news, earnings news, funding information, and other specific topics.

If you would like to request a newsletter that is not currently available, send us an email at [email protected].

PowerIntell.AI Apollo Pro® RegLens®

Last update: August 27, 2024
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