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Using a Workflow State in a Channel Definition

You can use a specific workflow state as part of a channel definition just like you would use an entity or a text term. You do this by adding a workflow to a channel using the channel editor and setting the desired state you want to filter for.

Add a new channel stage in the channel editor by clicking on the + ADD button. This will create an empty stage.

Channel Add Workflow

Click the + ADD WORKFLOW button at the bottom of the new stage. This will add a workflow line to the stage using the first workflow on your list if you have more than one available.

Channel Default Workflow

Once the correct workflow is selected, use the Any State drop down menu to select the desired state.

Channel Edit - State

Select the workflow-state desired to add it to the channel definition.

You can use more than one state in a single channel stage in your channel definition. The results will include all of the workflow states you add. Remember that you can't use two different states from the same workflow in two different channel stages as the workflow states are mutually exclusive and would cancel each other out.

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Last update: October 5, 2021
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