Market Futures Widget
The Market Futures Widget allows you to view pricing information for Agriculture, Currencies, Energy, Financials, Indices, and Metals. Each of these can be accessed by clicking on the button associated with the desired type of Futures information you are looking for.
The Agriculture tab gives you a view Agriculture Futures pricing information.
The list of futures can be sorted by clicking on the title of the column you would like to use to sort. Clicking again will reverse the sort.
Clicking on a specific future will change the price chart on the top of the page.
The Currencies tab will display key Currency Futures information.
The list of futures can be sorted by clicking on the title of the column you would like to use to sort. Clicking again will reverse the sort.
Clicking on a specific future will change the price chart on the top of the page.
The Energy tab gives you a view of key Energy Futures pricing information.
The list of futures can be sorted by clicking on the title of the column you would like to use to sort. Clicking again will reverse the sort.
Clicking on a specific future will change the price chart on the top of the page.
The Financials tab gives you a view of key Financial Futures pricing information.
The list of futures can be sorted by clicking on the title of the column you would like to use to sort. Clicking again will reverse the sort.
Clicking on a specific future will change the price chart on the top of the page.
The Indices tab gives you a view of key Index Futures pricing information.
The list of futures can be sorted by clicking on the title of the column you would like to use to sort. Clicking again will reverse the sort.
Clicking on a specific future will change the price chart on the top of the page.
The Metals tab gives you a view of key Precious Mettal Futures pricing information.
The list of futures can be sorted by clicking on the title of the column you would like to use to sort. Clicking again will reverse the sort.
Clicking on a specific future will change the price chart on the top of the page.
In addition to the navigation indicated for each of the tabs, you can change the time frame for the price history chart at the top of the page using the buttons. Available options are 5 Day, 1 Month, 3 Months, 6 Months, 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years, 4 Years, 5 Years, and 10 years.
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