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Entity Word Cloud Widget

The Entity Word Cloud Widget is part of the Entity Dashboard available from the Entity Menu. It can also be added to a Dashboard to provide top word analytics for an Entity.

Entity Word Cloud

Widget Usage

The Word Cloud provides a quick summary of the top words mentioned in the News Feed associated with the Entity.

Apollo Pro® will analyze the most recent set of Articles and find the top 10 words used in those articles (removing the Stop and then displaying them using the size of the words to indicate the relative frequency that they were used in the full set of articles.

The cloud gives a quick indication of what is going on in the articles being analyzed. In this case, the cloud is associated with a specific Entity and will give a quick, very accurate indication of what is happening in the news for it.

Each word shown contains a link to a Text Search for that word within the context of the Entity being analyzed. When you click on the word, only the articles containing that word and tagged with the entity will be shown.

The Word Cloud takes advantage of our enhanced widget capabilities which includes the ability to dynamically change the filter used to create the word cloud.

Entity Word Cloud Filter

Clicking on the filter will open up the Widget Filter and allow you to make changes. The simplest change is to the Relevance Filter, typically from Low to High. This will give you a more focused word cloud.

Widget Navigation

The Entity Word Cloud uses the Widget Filter as part of it's capabilities. This gives you the ability to adjust the Relevance Filter for the entity in context, or add other filters to the analysis.

Clicking on a word contained in the word cloud will give you the actual articles using that word from the set of articles that originally generated the word cloud.

Standard Widget Navigation

Word Cloud Use Cases

Click Here for Entity Word Cloud Options

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Last update: September 11, 2024
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