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Entity News Widget

The Entity News Widget is used to display a news feed for a specific entity.

Entity News Widget

This widget is also used to deliver the standard news feed for an Entity.

Entity News

Widget Navigation

Standard Widget Navigation

News Feed Navigation

The Entity News Widget uses the full News Feed Navigation.

Entity News has several options for navigation using the Filter Bar at the top of the news feed.

Filter Bar

The filter bar allows you to refine the news feed by entering a combination of Entities or Query Strings.

Click Here for more information on Filtering

Every News Feed also has a set of icons that allow you to change the way the articles are presented.

News Feed Menus

Clicking on the < will expand the icons with descriptions for each icon.

News Feed Filter Menu - Expanded

Clicking on the icons gives you access to each function.

A full explanation for Navigating a News Feed can be found HERE.

Click Here for Entity News Options

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Last update: March 3, 2022
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