News Widget
The News Widget will display the articles contained in the current feed context.
The article card shown inside the News Widget will display specific information about each article shown. The main article navigation elements include the Article Title which can be clicked to navigate to the originally published article, the top relevant entities associated with the article, the publisher and the article share icon. All of these elements can be used to navigate through the article or update the context.
The news widget allows you to change the behavior of the articles displayed within the widget. The navigation area is located under the context bar in the widget.
The first control is for the sort order of the news. It will show the icon for the current sort. Click on Sort: and you will be able to change to a different sort.
- Trending Sort:
- Time Sort (Most Recent Articles first):
- Relevancy Sort:
Next is the Views menu - Views:. Options are:
Click on to translate all the documents in the feed. This setting will continue to work for new documents as you search and change context as long as you keep it clicked on.
You can download a spreadsheet of the articles by clicking on .
Common Widget Navigation
Widgets are typically included as part of a dashboard. Some of the navigation elements are available or not based on the settings for the specific dashboard.
One of the optional components is the context area. Click on the link to get more information on the context area.
The widgets themselves all have explicit navigation elements in the frame.
Click on the to maximize the widget inside the dashboard page.
This will expand the widget to fit the full screen. You can click on to return the widget section back into the dashboard.
In addition, each widget may have multiple tabs which can be clicked on to switch to different widgets within the same frame.
Context Usage
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