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Auto GPT Widget (AI Explainer)

The Auto GPT Widget is used to automatically generate a summary for the articles available in the context.

Auto GPT Widget

Using this widget inside a dashboard will allow it to create a summary for you every time you manipulate the dashboard context. The widget may or may not have its own context bar.

Auto GPT Widget - Context Bar

More information on how to use the context bar is available HERE.

Once the summary is generated, you can copy the summary, including the formatting, by clicking on the :fluentui-ic_fluent_share-24-filled: icon underneath the summary.

Auto GPT Widget - Copy

The main navigation element for the Auto GPT widget is the configuration button.

Auto GPT Configure

Click on CONFIGURE to bring up the Configuration Settings.

Auto GPT Configuration

Configuration - Model

At the top of the configuration is the model selection. Click on the icon next to the model information.

AI Explainer Configuration - Model Selection

The two currently available models are OpenAI GPT-4o and OpenAI GPT-4o mini. Select the desired model for you configuration settings.

Configuration - Number of Articles

The next available configuration setting is the Number of Articles to use in the summary.

AI Explainer Configuration - Number of Articles

The current default is 10. You can change that number directly or click on the add/subtract control to the right of the number of articles.


All AI Models have a limit to how much input they can take. The number of articles directly affects the amount of input. If you change the number to one that is too high, you will get an error message in the results. Go back to your configuration and lower the number of articles used if that happens.

Configuration - Sort

The next configuration option is the sort order. Click on the icon to open up the sort menu.

AI Explainer Configuration - Sort

This option will allow you to change which articles are used in the summary. The two sort options are most recent or highest trending. Select the desired sort option for the explainer.

Configuration - Template

The last option is the template to be used for the prompt being submitted to the model. Click on the icon to open up the list of templates available.

AI Explainer Configuration - Template

The first item on the menu is Prompt. This selection allows you to write your own prompt to be submitted to the model. If you choose this option, the prompt box will open for you to type in your own prompt.

AI Explainer Configuration - Prompt

The rest of the items on the list are curated prompts for you to use. Select the template desired for the explainer.

AI Explainer - Configuration - Save

Once you have made your configuration changes, click on the SAVE button on the bottom of the page to save your choices for the duration of your current PowerIntell.AI session.

Common Widget Navigation

Widgets are typically included as part of a dashboard. Some of the navigation elements are available or not based on the settings for the specific dashboard.

One of the optional components is the context area. Click on the link to get more information on the context area.

The widgets themselves all have explicit navigation elements in the frame.

Widget Frame - Navigation

Click on the to maximize the widget inside the dashboard page.

Widget Frame - Expanded

This will expand the widget to fit the full screen. You can click on to return the widget section back into the dashboard.

In addition, each widget may have multiple tabs which can be clicked on to switch to different widgets within the same frame.

Context Usage

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Last update: August 27, 2024
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