Simple Query String Syntax
The simple query string syntax supports the following special characters:
- + signifies an AND operation
- | signifies an OR operation
- - negates a single token
- " wraps a number of tokens to signify a phrase for searching
- * at the end of a term signifies a prefix query
- ( and ) signify precedence
- ~N after a word signifies edit distance (fuzziness)
- ~N after a phrase signifies slop amount
A token is either a single word that is part of a phrase or is a complete phrase enclosed in quote marks \"
In order to search for any of these special characters, they will need to be escaped with \.
- "Apple Inc" + -"Microsoft" - Search for Apple Inc but not Microsoft
- "iPhone X" + "Samsung Galaxy" - Search for iPhone X and Samsung Galaxy
- "Tim Cook" + Apple - Search for Tim Cook and Apple. Note that if an article is about Tim Cook eating an Apple, that will be included.
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Last update:
October 5, 2021