Entity Relevance
Every article is analyzed as it is being captured to assign the Entity Tags. Part of the determination when assigning a tag is whether the Entity has a low, medium or high relevance to the specific article being analyzed. Factors like the number of times an Entity is mentioned, whether the name is in the headline, etc. are taken into consideration. This determination is done for every tag, so Topics, Regions, Industries, etc. are all analyzed as part of analyzing the article and then a determination is made about which of the Entities are Primary (High), which are Secondary (Medium), and which are Tertiary (Low).
Primary Indicator
Wherever you see an Entity Tag, you will see some in bold and some in a regular font. The bold indicates that for that article, the entity is considered Primary.
Primary Indicator in Channels
The Channel Editor includes the Relevance Filter as part of the Channel Definition. Every Entity contained in a Channel can be set to Low, Medium or High relevance. This is useful for high volume Entities where you can set the filter to High and low volume Entities where you could consider setting it to Low so that you make sure you see all references to it.
My FTS Settings
You can adjust your relevance setting using My FTS Settings. You can set your overall default relevancy to High, Medium or Low. Click on My FTS in the Top Menu and then click on Preferences to view and change your Relevance Filter setting which is part of your News Preferences.
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