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Apollo Pro® Product Release Bulletin - February 5, 2019

Show/Hide Functionality

FinTech Studios has introduced a new capability within Apollo Pro® that allows you to hide an article from your Entity or Channel News Feed. This capability operates similarly to a Read/Not Read capability where you can mark an Article as Hidden and then use the News Feed Filter Bar to remove or show the Hidden Articles.

Hiding an Article

A new Hide Button () has been added into the Article Card menu.

Article Card Hide

Clicking on it will mark the Article as Hidden and will change how it is displayed in the feed.

Article Card UnHide

Note that when displayed, the Article will now have an Unhide Button ()

Hiding and Un-Hiding an article allows you to clean up your News Feeds by using the Hidden Menu selections to filter the feed.

Hiding/Unhiding Articles in a News Feed

Every News Feed now has a Hidden Menu option as part of the News Feed Menu

News Feed Menu

This new capability allows you to display Articles that have Not been Hidden, have been Hidden, or both.

The menu offers three options:

News Feed Hidden Menu

Unhidden Only

Choosing this option will show all Articles in the News Feed that have not been hidden.

News Feed Unhidden

Note that in this mode, the article count will display how many articles that have been hidden within the feed.

News Feed Unhidden Message

Hidden Only

Choosing this option will show all Articles in the News Feed that have been hidden.

News Feed Hidden Only

Show All

Choosing this option will show all Articles regardless of status.

News Feed Show All

Note that the Hidden Articles will display with an offset background (grey in this to easily distinguish between Hidden and Unhidden articles.

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Last update: August 27, 2024
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