Apollo Pro® Product Release Bulletin - August 6, 2018
Channel Analytics have been added to Apollo Pro®. This new feature allows you to quickly understand what is happening in the news associated with your Channel, giving you immediate, automatic access to widgets that used to only be available when put into a Dashboard.
Channel Menu
The New Channel Menu will give you navigation capabilities for every Channel. It behaves similarly to the Entity Menu.
Clicking on the Dashboard tab will display the new Channel Dashboard that contains Channel Analytics.
Editing the Channel is now available by clicking on Edit in the Channel Menu
The Entities contained in the Channel Definition can be accessed by clicking on the Entities drop down menu item.
Channel Dashboard
Analytics for your channel are now contained in the Channel Dashboard.
The dashboard is made up of five analytics widgets:
A graph of the Article Velocity over time separated out by Language.
The Top Entities Mentioned in the channel over the most recent seven days.
The top syndicated articles over the last two hours in the channel.
A word cloud based on the most frequently used words in the channel over the last seven days.
The News Feed for the channel in list format.