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Curated Newsletter

Use Case Description

Create a monthly newsletter that publishes only articles selected for publication during the preceding month. In addition, the curation activity itself is managed using a curation dashboard as part of the process.

Create a Newsletter publishing workflow

Workflow's can be used for multiple use cases, including this one which is to allow a curator to pick specific articles for publication in a monthly newsletter. Full instructions for Creating a Workflow are available HERE. In this case, create a workflow with the following states:

  • New
  • Review
  • Publish
  • Archive
  • Ignore

Curation Workflow


You do not need the "Review" state if you only want to move articles directly into the "Publish" state for the newsletter. It is useful when you want to re-look at the articles later prior to publication or if multiple people will be submitting candidate articles that need to be reviews for a final decision.

Once the workflow is created, you will need to request that the user's associated with the newsletter be given access to the workflow. When you have finished editing and saving the workflow, capture the workflow ID from the URL.

workflow ID

In the example above, the workflow ID is 63. Send that ID and the list of users who need to be entitled to that workflow tos [email protected]

Set up Newsletter candidate article channel(s)

Candidate channels can be set up using topics and sources (or any combination of entities) that you are interested in including in the newsletter. You can do multiple channels depending on what your set of candidate articles looks like. The channels created here will be included on the curation dashboard.


You can set up a simple newsletter for each of the candidate article channels that is distributed to the curator(s) for the newsletter. You can then use the Newsletter Landing Page Dashboard to immediately publish an article that looks interesting in the email.

More information about managing the curation of a newsletter is available HERE

Create a Curated Newsletter Channel

The channel to be used for publishing the newsletter is pretty simple. The entire definition will consist of the workflow state "Publish" from the workflow created above.

Newsletter Publish Channel

Request a Curation Dashboard

A curation dashboard can be used to help find and manage the articles in the newsletter.

Curation Dashboard

The highlights of the curation dashboard are that you can see candidate articles, mark them for review and/or publication, and then click on the Curated Newsletter Channel to see what will be published.

To request a curation dashboard, send an email to [email protected] with the set of channels you would like to include and the workflow ID you created.

Determine your Newsletter Settings

Requesting a newsletter requires the following components:

Component Value Description
Channel ID ______ The Channel ID to be used to generate the Newsletter
Sort Type ______ Trending or Timeliness
Newsletter Logo Logo File for the logo to be used with the newsletter
Logo Position Left, Right or Center
Logo Background Color Hex color code for the color stripe at the top of the newsletter. For no color use #ffffff
Link Color Hex color code for the headline links in the Newsletter
Frequency Minutely, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly Yearly
Interval The number of intervals between publications (usually this is 1)
Time The time of day to publish (for any schedule type other than Minutely or Hourly)
Day of Week The day or days to publish on during the week
Include Landing Page Yes or No
Landing Page Theme theme to use for the landing page
Publish if Empty Yes or No

Send your request to [email protected]

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Last update: October 12, 2022
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