Share Dashboard
Once you have created a dashboard, you can share it with specific users. The :fluentui-ic_fluent_share-24-filled: share menu is located in the upper right corner of the dashboard.
There are three sections in the share menu.
Add people
The first section is used to add individual users. Put in the email address associated with the person you want to share with. Once the address is entered, the address will display in a drop down under the input box.
Click on the address and the access menu will be displayed.
Next to the email address in the sub menu is the Access options for the person. You can make the recipient a viewer, which means that the recipient cannot change the dashboard or an editor, which means that the recipient can change and save the dashboard. Once you have the correct access set, click on the DONE button and an email will be sent to the recipient.
People with access
The second section is the list of the people that you have shared this dashboard with. The list will tell you who has accepted the shared dashboard and those who have not along with their access level.
General access
The third section identifies the type of access generally available for the dashboard. If you click on the Visibility box the available options will display.
Restricted access means that no one can access the dashboard except for a user that you have explicitly shared the dashboard with.
Anyone with the link
Anyone with the link will set the dashboard to be available only to people who have the explicit URL to the dashboard. You can copy the link (URL) by clicking on the COPY LINK button
Setting the dashboard to Public will cause the dashboard to be listed in the dashboard sidebar menu under PUBLIC DASHBOARDS.
Once you have finished with the sharing, click on the DONE button in the lower right corner.
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