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Adjust Context

Once you have the context set, you can adjust it directly in the context bar

Adjust entity relevance

Once an entity appears in the context, you can adjust the relevance for that entity.

Dashboard Entity context

Click on the entity in the context bar to open up the menu for that entity.

Entity Context Menu

Click on Set Relevance to open up the relevance menu.

Entity Context Menu - Relevance

Click on the desired relevance from the menu.

Pin to context

Many of the navigation widgets allow you to replace the entire context for a dashboard. If you pin an entity or a channel to the context, replacing the context will keep anything that has been pinned.

Dashboard Entity context

Select Pin to Context for the item you selected to pin that item to the context.

Entity Context - Pinned

Once the entity has been pinned you will see the blue circled next to that entity.

Exclude from context

Entities and Channels are typically included in the context. You can switch that to exclude something from the context by clicking on the item in the context.

Dashboard Entity context

Select Exclude from context to exclude that item from the context.

Entity Context - Excluded

The excluded items will have the as a red circle.

Include in context

Entities and Channels that have been excluded can have that reversed which will again include them in the context. Click on the item in the context.

Dashboard Entity context

Select Include in context to include that item in the context.

Remove from context

Once an entity and/or channel is added to the context, you can remove it by clicking on that item in the context bar.

Dashboard Entity context

Select Remove from context to remove the item from the context.

Add Entity to context

Click on the icon to open up the context search bar.

Add to Context

As you type, the available companies, topics, etc. will be displayed starting with the best match to your input. If you want to add Artificial Intelligence, start typing it into the search bar.

Add to Context - Artificial Intelligence

Once you see the entity you want to use, click on it and it will be added into the context.

Add to Context - Completed

The results will be propagated across the dashboard, including in the article list, the AI Explainer and AI Assistant along with the analytics tabs.

Home PowerIntell.AI Apollo Pro® RegLens®

Last update: September 11, 2024
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