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Add to Context

Adding context to a dashboard is very easy to do. There are multiple ways to add to context from various places in the dashboard.

Add from Context Bar

Click on the icon to open up the context search bar.

Add to Context

As you type, the available companies, topics, etc. will be displayed starting with the best match to your input. If you want to add Artificial Intelligence, start typing it into the search bar.

Add to Context - Artificial Intelligence

Once you see the entity you want to use, click on it and it will be added into the context.

Add to Context - Completed

The results will be propagated across the dashboard, including in the article list, the AI Explainer and AI Assistant along with the analytics tabs.

Add from Article Card

Every article card will include the top entities that have been tagged for each article.

Article Card - Dashboard

You can add to your context by clicking on one of the entities inside the article card.

Article Card - Entity Click

Once you click on the entity, the context menu will open.

Article Card - Entity Context Menu

In order to add that entity to the context, pick Add to context from the menu and the entity will be added to the context bar

Article Card - Add to Context Menu

After you selected Add to context the overall context for the dashboard will be updated.

Article - Card - Add to Context


The relevance of the entity to the article you picked it from will be included when it is added to the dashboard context. You can adjust the relevance once the entity is part of the context bar.

Add from a Widget

Any entity that is displayed can be used to add to context. The Article Card is the primary example, but there are multiple other situations where an entity in a widget can be used to add to a context bar.

The primary set of widgets that can be used in this way are the navigation widgets. Typically these are located on the left side of any dashboard, but they an be located anywhere. As an example, the Trending Entities widget can be used in this way.

Trending Entities Widget

Click on the icon to open up the context menu.

Trending Entities Widget - Context Menu

Click on Add to context to add the entity to the current context bar

A second navigation widget that can be used in this way is the Mentions Filters Widget

Mentions Filter Widget

This widget displays the Entity Types available based on the current context. Click on the the :material-down-arrow: icon to open up the entity list for the specific entity type.

Mentions Filter Widget - Entity List

When you click in the box next to the entity name, the entity will automatically be added to the current context.

Mentions Filter Widget - Entity Checked

A third navigation widget that is commonly used is the Channel List Widget. In this case the navigation elements are channels that can be used in your context bar.

Channel List Widget

Similar to the Trending Entities Widget, you can open a menu with the icon.

Channel List Widget - Menu

Click on Add to context to add the entity to the current context bar

Channel List Widget - Context

Using PowerIntell.AI™, you can use the Search Bar to add to context.

PowerIntell.AI Search Bar

Once you enter a search term, a list of possible matches will be given. Use the to add the specific entity to the context bar.

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Last update: September 11, 2024
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